Community Impact
MUSC Children’s Hospital
The MUSC Pediatric Endocrinology is an integral part of the Medical University of South Carolina’s Children’s Hospital. They strive to provide excellence in patient care, teaching, and research. They are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art care within a compassionate and caring environment. As of 2019, Abby’s Friends will have donated over $545,500 to the MUSC Endocrinology team that includes three attending physicians, one nurse practitioner, three certified diabetes educators, a nutritionist and a social worker.
The JDRF is a global organization with a strategic plan to produce a continuous flow of life-changing therapies and, ultimately, a cure for T1D. Their plan is aggressive, forward-looking, and realistic. Specifically, Abby’s Friends has supported and helped accelerate the pace of artificial pancreas (AP) clinical testing. With donations exceeding $515,500 from Abby’s Friends alone, the JDRF will continue to drive all types of advances from the lab to clinical trials and into the hands of patients.
Camp Adam Fisher is the Carolinas largest camp for children with diabetes, their brothers, sisters and friends. Kids with diabetes face a set of unique challenges, making attending any summer camp impractical, if not nearly impossible, for children suffering from this disease. The mission of Camp Adam Fisher is to offer a safe, well-monitored environment where children with diabetes can enjoy all the experiences, life lessons and benefits a typical summer camp offers. Abby’s Friends provides scholarships for camp attendees who otherwise would not be able to attend due to financial reasons.
South Carolina Youth Diabetes Association
SCYDA helps support children with diabetes in South Carolina through the development of diabetes camping opportunities, school and college support programs. To accomplish this SCYDA will recruit and develop a community of like-minded individuals and professionals to engage, encourage, empower, and inspire children with diabetes to live their dreams.